Welcome to Community Connect

An initiative in partnership with Lady J that embodies the spirit of social entrepreneurship and community development.

Bridging the gap between rural artisans & consumers

Our mission is to bridge the gap between rural artisans and consumers, creating opportunities for sustainable growth, empowerment, and positive change. We are also committed to supporting disadvantaged communities and children through education, skill development, and providing employment opportunities for differently-abled individuals.

Our Vision

Community Connect envisions a Sri Lanka where every community thrives, and traditional skills find modern opportunities.

Community Connect envisions a Sri Lanka where every community thrives, and traditional skills find modern opportunities.

We aim to create a society where economic development is balanced with social and environmental responsibility, resulting in a prosperous and inclusive nation.

We aim to create a society where economic development is balanced with social and environmental responsibility, resulting in a prosperous and inclusive nation.

Our Vision

Nurture and support local businesses, preserve cherished traditions, and foster inclusive growth throughout

Sri Lanka.

Nurture and support local businesses, preserve cherished traditions, and foster inclusive growth throughout Sri Lanka.

Nurture and support local businesses, preserve cherished traditions, and foster inclusive growth throughout
Sri Lanka.

We are committed to:

We are committed to:

Empowering Artisans

We provide artisans in rural areas with the tools, training, and resources they need to hone their craft and thrive in the market.

We provide artisans in rural areas with the tools, training, and resources they need to hone their craft and thrive in the market.

Promoting Inclusivity

We focus on empowering women, differently-abled individuals, and marginalized communities, ensuring that they have equal access to opportunities and benefits.

We focus on empowering women, differently-abled individuals, and marginalized communities, ensuring that they have equal access to opportunities and benefits.

Local Sourcing

We prioritize local sourcing, connecting consumers with authentic, locally-made products while reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the national economy.

Key Initiatives

We are guided by our commitment to sustainable development & social impact

We aim to create a society where economic development is balanced with social and environmental responsibility, resulting in a prosperous and inclusive nation.

We aim to create a society where economic development is balanced with social and environmental responsibility, resulting in a prosperous and inclusive nation.

Artisan Support

We collaborate with talented artisans and craftsmen from rural communities, helping them develop their products and expand their reach.

Artisan Support

We collaborate with talented artisans and craftsmen from rural communities, helping them develop their products and expand their reach.

Artisan Support

We collaborate with talented artisans and craftsmen from rural communities, helping them develop their products and expand their reach.

Artisan Support

We collaborate with talented artisans and craftsmen from rural communities, helping them develop their products and expand their reach.

Sustainable Sourcing

Our commitment to local sourcing promotes sustainable practices, benefiting both the environment and local economies.

Sustainable Sourcing

Our commitment to local sourcing promotes sustainable practices, benefiting both the environment and local economies.

Sustainable Sourcing

Our commitment to local sourcing promotes sustainable practices, benefiting both the environment and local economies.

Sustainable Sourcing

Our commitment to local sourcing promotes sustainable practices, benefiting both the environment and local economies.

Education and Children's Welfare

We support education in marginalized communities by donating books, school bags, and other essentials, enhancing access to quality learning for children.

Education and Children's Welfare

We support education in marginalized communities by donating books, school bags, and other essentials, enhancing access to quality learning for children.

Education and Children's Welfare

We support education in marginalized communities by donating books, school bags, and other essentials, enhancing access to quality learning for children.

Education and Children's Welfare

We support education in marginalized communities by donating books, school bags, and other essentials, enhancing access to quality learning for children.

Women Empowerment

Through training and skill development programs, we empower women to become self-sufficient, fostering gender equality.

Women Empowerment

Through training and skill development programs, we empower women to become self-sufficient, fostering gender equality.

Women Empowerment

Through training and skill development programs, we empower women to become self-sufficient, fostering gender equality.

Women Empowerment

Through training and skill development programs, we empower women to become self-sufficient, fostering gender equality.

Inclusive Growth

We provide employment opportunities and skill development training for differently-abled individuals, contributing to their socio-economic upliftment.

Inclusive Growth

We provide employment opportunities and skill development training for differently-abled individuals, contributing to their socio-economic upliftment.

Inclusive Growth

We provide employment opportunities and skill development training for differently-abled individuals, contributing to their socio-economic upliftment.

Inclusive Growth

We provide employment opportunities and skill development training for differently-abled individuals, contributing to their socio-economic upliftment.